As promised two weeks ago in our blog on the ‘Main findings of the data and algorithm comparison’, the ‘Platform’-page of our website has now been updated with information on the methods and datasets to be used in the platform prototype demonstrations. Have a look at the updated page to get a better idea on what kind of methods and datasets will be used and what kind of prototype products can be expected from the demonstrations. Three approaches will be used in the demonstrations: BIOMASAR (developed by Gamma Remote Sensing), Probability (developed by VTT) and k-NN. The BIOMASAR approach will be used in the European demonstration, while the rest of the demonstrations use either Probability or k-NN methods – combined with the PREBAS ecosystem modelling (developed by University of Helsinki).
Varying set of the platform prototype demonstration products will be produced in the seven different demonstrations. The products can be divided into three main groups:
- Forest structure variable products
- Biomass and growth products
- Change products
Figure 1. Examples of the Forest structure variable products, Ireland testing site. a: Sentinel-2 real colour image, b: Sentinel-1 (VH, VV, VH-VV), c: Height, d:Diameter, e: Species (spruce, pine, broadleaf), f: Growing stock volume, g: Basal area, h: Stem density. Sample size 2.5 x 2.5 km.
The Forest structure variable products such as height, diameter, growing stock volume (Figure 1) aim to provide information on forest structure for the users. They also serve as input for biomass derivation and PREBAS modelling. The Biomass and growth products provide information on forest biomass and carbon for the users. The Change products (Figure 2) aim to 1) provide information on forest disturbances and changes in the area of interest and 2) support estimation of biomass changes together with a baseline biomass map. More information and example images of the products can be found in the updated ‘Platform’-page.
Figure 2. Examples of the Change products in Germany. Sample size 2 x 2 km.
We also want to take this opportunity to wish all our followers a very nice and relaxing summer! Stay tuned for the second year of the project with a lot of exiting results and user interaction expected.